IPSOS would like to sell a unique platform dedicated to their customer which allow us to planify, manage different type of survey and explore the results of their collect.

Our approach

  • Develop a robust, scalable platform based on standards tools and protocols;
  • Provide an interactive Rich User experience, proposed by our UX/UI team;
  • Automate the whole process in a one and same interface;
  • Provide a platform which can handle a very large amount of information (more than 4 M);
  • Integrate all the functionalities needed to manage different instances, many customers;
  • Provide security and  GDPR compliance.


Our results

Sedona has realized a technical platform based on Liferay 7 product, fully personalized and which is based on standard protocols and tools (OSGI).
User can import all the employees file on a specific organization (tree based) and deploy for each of them a specific survey (including text,image, q&A…)

  • Client


  • Development

    Liferay 7, Elastic Search, MariaDB